Please take a few minutes to answer these questions below...

Are you ready to STOP 5 to 6 days of working out, crazy unsustainable fad diets that make you regain the weight plus more, & the feeling of hopelessness that you will never reach your goals?

That changes here.. in RP Fit and Confident Academy Transformation program you will level up your fitness and create your dream body without hours of punishing workouts and giving up the foods you love.


I'm ready for my Story to be in the RP Transformation Success Stories.

Here Are the Details for RP Transformation Program

I'm looking for women over 35 years old who want to lose at least 12 pounds over the next 12 weeks so that you can level up in love, life and business with my proven coaching program called Fit and Confident Academy!

I'll help you:

  • develop an easy to follow nutrition plan to find food freedom, so that you can get results without restriction.
  • overcome your mindset barriers, so you can end self-sabotage and stay consistent much longer.
  • develop habits and skills so that you can finally get results WITHOUT rebounding
  • set you up with a 3x per week custom workout program that will help you get your energy and confidence back ASAP so that you are no longer wasting time trying to figure out what to do at home or in the gym.
  • become a role model for your kids so that they can learn what healthy living looks like just by watching you.
  • help you develop a system that supports a healthy living lifestyle that fits seamlessly with your life so that you can get off the diet roller coaster for good without sacrificing your social life.

My program also includes:

  • Eat Better Recipe Guide, Healthy Comfort Foods Recipe Guide,5 Minute Meal Prep Guide, and my Meal Map Meal Planning course so that you never run out of ideas of what to cook.
  • Be invited to a celebratory photo shoot when you join our Alumni program when you graduate from the Academy.

Coach Rose has also coached men. Check out their transformations pictures!

WARNING: Investment into RP Transformation Program is a promise you make with me and more importantly with yourself. In order to be accepted into the program, you have to 1000% ready to invest TIME, MONEY, and WORK into this program. Is that you?